Monday, September 30, 2019
Week 319: Revolving door
I suppose you imagine that, when I told you last Monday that the newest nanny (Michelle) was quitting effective Friday, that would be sufficient childcare drama for the week. Hah. On Wednesday afternoon, when I had slipped out for a run, Michelle texted me to let me know that Lemon had thrown a rock at her and called her a not-very-nice name, and that she was quitting effective immediately. Fantastic. Luckily, we were able to draw on our childcare reserve team and stitch together just enough hours to get us to Friday, in the meanwhile interviewing two new, new nanny candidates. During one interview, Lemon bit Lime hard enough to leave a welt, right in front of the candidate. At least we cannot be accused of false advertising, I figure.
Time being of the essence, we picked the candidate we liked better, and arranged for her to do a "trial run" this afternoon. The kids had a blast, no rocks were thrown, and no bad words used. The new nanny even expressed enthusiasm for returning tomorrow. So, although I am now entirely out of the business of making projections into the distant future about childcare arrangements, I am comfortable saying that I should most likely be able to work a regular day and go to my class tomorrow afternoon.
Beyond the childcare mayhem, things continue to roll along. I took Lime to the dentist this week. He was very good and got high marks for his teeth, so that was a success all around. I also took Lemon to the pediatrician for his 6-year-old check-up on Friday. The pediatrician was very impressed with him overall, especially his weight gain (thank you, Boost Kids). I asked if he had any tips in terms of our various behavior issues, and he did forward me the names of a few practices to look at, which I will do in the event that I have a moment's break from looking for childcare. I still hope against hope that maybe all of this is an issue of adapting to the rigors of first grade, and that it will pass on its own in time. Given how long it apparently takes to get seen at any of these clinics, I may have the opportunity to find out, by design or not.
Other than that, we have continued to puzzle over what is going on with Lemon's health. He's had a bit of a cough for almost 2 weeks now. Not quite enough of a cough to be something, but not little enough of a cough to be nothing, either. So, we're stuck in this sort of uncomfortable wait-and-see mode. We are very hesitant to leap in with a round of Cayston, since it is such a production and of course we don't want to use it unnecessarily. On the other hand, if what is causing his problems is a bit of bacterial overgrowth, we want to get in there and knock it back before it causes more problems.
Unfortunately, there is basically no way to determine what is going on at this point. Given that he seems generally well, and isn't coughing too much even at night, we're holding off for the moment. We've done extra airway clearance therapy the past few days in the hopes that maybe we can shake it out of him and be done with it. Of course, conveniently I am leaving for work trip on Sunday so it would be great if we could at least know what we are doing by then. But, honestly, even if we don't know what we're doing but we have reliable childcare until I'm back, I will count it as a win.