I knew this week’s blog post would be brief since I am currently traveling for work. But, it may be even briefer than anticipated due to some kind of wifi weirdness at the hotel.
In any event, I have marvelous news to report: the newest of the new nannies showed up for day 1 of her second week! A miracle! And an especially good thing since, as I mentioned, I am traveling. The kids seem to really like this one, so I am (very, very) cautiously optimistic that perhaps our childcare woes are behind us for now, and we can finally focus on other things.
The list of other things we need to focus on includes the rather lengthy email we recently received from Lemon's teacher. Since we hadn't heard anything to the contrary, we assumed that things were going fine at school despite what we were seeing at home. Well. As it turns out, some of Lemon's disruptive behaviors have spilled over into the school day. It sounds from her email that he is not nearly as wild at school as he can be at home, but even that more limited degree of wildness is disrupting the other students, and that he is not getting his own schoolwork done. Sigh. So, assuming we really do now have childcare resolved, I need to refocus my efforts on finding a good behavioral health person to help us.
The other issue we need to think about is Lemon's cough. He's had it for several weeks now. It continues to hover just below the threshold where I would normally think to intervene with antibiotics. He coughs, but not all the time, sometimes more during the day and sometimes more at night. He's puked a few times, but not consistently. We also recently decided to stop Zyrtec since he tends to have seasonal allergies for which the season (we thought) had passed. But, we're going to add that back in now to see if there are some lingering allergies that are contributing.
Otherwise, I am starting to come around to the position that we need to do a round of Cayston, just to tamp back whatever this thing is so that it doesn't become something worse. Historically we've been doing Cayston every few months, and it's been way more than just a few months at this point (maybe something outrageous like 6 months?) so we may just be due for a bit of a clean-out before winter gets going in earnest. In any case, a question that we will think about with greater urgency once I'm back in Madison on Wednesday.
I think that is more or less the news from the home front. I apologize for the lack of photos this week, but as mentioned, the wifi here is less than optimal so just come back next week for a double-dose of cuteness!