We had our clinic visit on Wednesday. Lemon's PFT's and weight were both good, somehow he gained 2 lb since our last visit which surprised everybody, in a good way. Lemon also did a lung clearance index test, which was the last test for the research study he's been part of since he was born. Kind of a milestone to age out of that one at last.
So, Lemon will be having a bronchoscopy on Thursday afternoon. When exactly? Who knows, because it would be far to easy to plan around it if we knew what time it will be happening. We don't get to find out that information until Wednesday. We haven't told Lemon about it yet, on the theory that it would just give him more time to worry about it. We will discuss it with him on Wednesday, maybe once we know more details about what exactly will be involved. The good news is that it will be done outpatient, just using conscious sedation, so we should (hopefully) be in and out of the hospital pretty quickly. Then there will just be the anxious wait until the culture comes back.
Despite the worry over the procedure and the exposure risks involved in even setting foot in a hospital these days, I am really glad that at least, 9 months after this thing should have first been detected, we are finally doing something about it. Once we know what organism is growing down there, we can plan an appropriate antibiotic strategy to treat it, and with any luck avoid a round of IV antibiotics. I'm also glad that we are transitioning to the new doctor. I am sorry to part ways with the nurse practitioner, she is a very kind person and has taken good care of Lemon for all these years. But, having her as our primary care provider was never the plan, and I am feeling good about the choice to be working with a pulmonologist again. Fingers crossed!