Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 357: Summer in the air

It seems like this strange summer is getting under way in earnest. We've had our first few really hot days, our first zucchini from our CSA, and the plants in our own garden continue to get bigger.Father's day came and went, with a nice celebration and obligatory photos. It was fun to look back at the photos of Father's Day's past and realize how far we've come. It defies belief but within a couple of weeks, Lime will be 5, and a few further weeks after that, Lemon will be 7. 

I feel like in many respects, we've gotten used to the quarantine lifestyle. We're certainly much more comfortable with having no weekend plans than we used to be. The unbroken stretch from Friday evening til bed time on Sunday still can feel a little daunting, but each weekend we manage to come up with things to do and to give the day some structure. This weekend's adventures included a trip downtown to see the murals that were painted on the boarded-up storefronts downtown, and our first attempt at homemade pasta.

We're still keeping up with a little tiny bit of home school type stuff this summer, mainly the literacy app that Lemon was working on during the school year, as well as an alphabet and phonics app for Lime. I don't know that either of them is learning much from the apps, but it does at least serve to keep the knowledge in their minds rather than letting them forget. A very lengthy document was released today describing the various possible forms school might take this fall. I have to confess to not reading it. I don't need to know what all the possibilities are, I just need to know what the actual plan is!