Monday, June 15, 2020

Week 356: Phase 2

As of this morning, our county entered "Phase 2" of its reopening. Some businesses can now operate at 50% capacity, and the size limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings has been raised. The net effect of all this for us will be pretty minimal, except perhaps the fact that the playgrounds are now reopened. Still, we want to be very cautious about actually being around other people, so aside from potentially visiting some parks, I think we will conduct ourselves much as before.
I did end up taking Lime to the dentist on Thursday. It was a weird experience, calling up to the office from the car to check to see if they were ready for us, answering screening questions and having our temperatures taken when we went in, and everyone who was not a patient wearing masks all the time. But, Lime wasn't thrown by it at all. Childhood comes at you fast, and he has totally adopted this as his new little reality. He was very cooperative, and even did his first set of dental x-rays without protest. He still got a superball as a prize, which is the most important thing anyhow.

Another big change is that the school year is now officially over. Just kidding, the difference for our household is basically imperceptible. We are continuing to work with Lemon on his literacy app every day, and otherwise the kids do all their regular stuff just as before. Their energy level certainly indicates that they are aware that it is summer though. I thought our house had taken a beating during the winter months, but we seem to be at some new level of destructiveness right now. At least the garden is doing well. 

One other thing that is growing like a weed: Lemon. He's gained almost 5 lb since the schools closed, as is now just a hair shy of 60lb. I had honestly sort of stopped thinking about ever getting out of the 50's, and yet, here we are. Being home grazing on snacks all day is great if your goal is to gain weight. Even little Lime, who seemed like he might be 36lb forever, is now closing in on 40lb. 

So, we're just trying to enjoy the good parts of this new scenario, and let the kids have a fun stay-at-home summer. We really should teach them some math at some point, if we can ever get them to sit still for a moment. Well, maybe in July.