Our trip to Cape Cod was splendid. We saw so many wonderful friends, celebrated Lime's 4th birthday, and generally had a blast. This trip did make me appreciate how much easier travel with the kids has become in the last year. Admittedly, it is still far from easy. But it is far less impossible than it once was, and I am very grateful for that. We flew with the vest without incident, although Lemon did not exactly live up to his end of the bargain of pulling it through the airports. In the Boston airport, they wanted to examine the contents of the g-tube replacement pack that I was carrying as well as the formula pump, but after consultation with the security supervisor, both of them were allowed through without incident. Now that we are all back in Wisconsin safe and sound, I think I can breathe a sigh of relief that no one got sick on the trip.
Lemon started at a new camp today, which he is very excited about. I didn't have more than 5 minutes to train his counselor on the use of enzymes, but Lemon reported that it all went fine and that he got them at lunch and both snacks. So, hopefully that's true. He had a great time so I'm happy about that at any rate.
I'm actually writing this tonight in Minnesota, thanks to an inconveniently-timed work trip, so I will leave you with a bunch of photos courtesy of Papa Bear, and pick up the written narrative in more detail next week, when we begin a series of four (yes, four!) consecutive weeks with a fairly consistent schedule. What a luxury that will be!