In the past 72 hours, I have run a marathon and taken a final exam. So, apologies in advance for the short blog post this week but I am just about out of words at the moment. The kids are doing well, they seem to have settled down a little bit since last week, possibly due to the arrival of May. Good riddance, April. We started Lemon back on Zyrtec, which has definitely tamped down the cough and other symptoms he was having. Of course, now Lime keeps saying (without the vaguest trace of a symptom), "Mama, cough, cough, I think I'm, cough, allergic to tree pollen." So, we put an air purifier in his room too so he would not feel left out.Hopefully after some rest I will be able to put together one last blog post about the great work being done by the CF Foundation ahead of our Great Strides walk, which is just 12 days away!