At the end of last week, Lemon's school celebrated the 100th day of classes (a few days behind schedule, of course). The kids were asked to decorate a shirt with 100 of something. Always fussy about what he wears, Lemon was not having any of it. I offered stickers, beads, beans, grains of rice, pieces of yarn. Nope. Eventually we compromised on cutting a piece of fabric, decorating it with markers, and attaching it to his shirt. He was very pleased with the result, but of course wouldn't actually wear it to school on the 100th day. Oh well.
With Papa Bear out of town for a few days, I decided to take the kids out for dinner one night. Now, remember, like any parent, I have struggled mightily to find things that the kids, especially Lemon, will eat. If you are a long-time reader, you will remember that I spent literally a year trying to teach this child to eat solid food. You know what he could not get enough of? Spaghetti with tomato sauce prepared by Denny's. True story. I am trying hard not to be offended.
This quiet week was well-timed, since it gave us a chance to gather ourselves for next week, when Papa Bear will be away for a few days, we have our make-up clinic visit, and then I go away for a couple of days. Once all that's done, we should be really close to spring. Right?