February is a competitive month. January set a high bar, but February is doing its best despite being 3 days shorter. As anticipated, we had yet another snow day on Tuesday. And Sunday would have been a snow day had it been a school day, but luckily, it wasn't. I will refrain from commenting about this coming Wednesday except to say the forecast contains some kind of shape like an asterisk followed by a high two-digit number and a percent sign. At least I have been getting my money's worth out of my 3 different snow shovels and my roof rake.
To continue with last week's parallel themes of planning, weather, and the interaction between the two, here's one I bet you could never have anticipated (I sure didn't). I'm taking a course this semester to try to learn a new skill for my job. Luckily, I live close to a university, and the class I'm taking doesn't start until 4pm. So the whole thing works out perfectly: I go over to Lemon's school, meet him for pick-up at 3:30, get home with him at 3:40, hand him off to the babysitter, hop in the car, and am in my classroom a couple of minutes before 4. So far so good. Except that school has been closed so many days due to weather that if the schools took no actions, we would finish the school year below the minimum number of required instructional hours. What actions are they taking, you might wonder. Well, obviously, they are extending the school day by 11 minutes every day until the end of the school year. Because kids learn A LOT between 3:27 and 3:38pm. I don't usually say that I can't even, but really, I can't even.
Other than that, Lime and I have had a cold all week. Lime almost certainly picked it up at the germ hive (aka preschool), and then I caught it from him since his favorite thing to do when he isn't feeling well at night is to crawl into bed with me and cough directly into my face. Since I've caught this cold from him, every time I cough, he reminds me "Mama, cover your mouth when you cough!" Great tip, kiddo, better file that one away in case it ever becomes relevant to your life. Luckily, Papa Bear has managed to escape thus far. Lemon may have a touch of it, it's hard to tell. He's definitely a tick above baseline in terms of cough at the moment, but not as bad as Lime or I, and I sure hope he escapes it. We could really use 3 more healthy weeks to put on some weight.
Tomorrow is Lemon's half-birthday, which we are celebrating with cupcakes at school.This is the first year where he's expressed any interest in his half-birthday, or in being something and-a-half. He also has his first real loose tooth, which he is very thrilled about. To look at the huge mountains of snow around our neighborhood, you'd be hard pressed to believe that it's ever August here, never mind that such a thing could happen in 6 months time, but here's hoping it's true!