And no syringes. I can't even tell you. I should go back and find some of my old pictures of our stacks of syringes, but back in our heyday I think we were routinely doing 10 syringes a day. That's 10 syringes to load with stuff, 10 syringes to connect, disconnect, pull the plunger out of, wash, dry, reassemble, and refill, over and over again. Now, while I'm cooking dinner, Papa Bear sort of wanders around, standing vaguely between the stove, the refrigerator, and the utensil drawer, with his hands at his sides, wondering what it is that he's supposed to be doing. And the mornings are so smooth. No more trying to convince someone to sit still, lift his shirt, and cooperate. Just the old, "Hey, what day is it today? Well, what day was it yesterday? Does that have any relation to what day it might be today, and if so, what?" And then press the button, take a swig of water, and out the door. Heaven, straight up.
Lest a week should go by without a call from the school nurse, she gave me a holler on Friday. It was one of those "I don't want you to be alarmed, and I want you to know that we take head injuries very seriously" type of calls. Meaning Lemon had decided in his typical fashion to leave some aspect of the climbing structure on the playground without fully accounting for the effects of gravity, and taken a pretty good hit to the bridge of his nose. Aside from a nice scrape he seems none the worse for wear.
Other than that, I did a little racing on Sunday morning. It was a glorious morning for running, and it's funny how just a quick trip to a town a couple of counties over can feel like a grand adventure! I really should get out more.