Friday night, he just couldn't settle down in his crib, so I had him lie down on his big-boy bed so that Lime and I could keep him company. He finally fell asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him and risk waking him up, so I crossed my fingers and left him there. Unsurprisingly, he fell out of bed at 2 a.m. and clonked his head on the floor, so I picked him up and brought him into the room that I share with Lime. He fell right back to sleep. I dozed off and on in between feeding Lime. At 5, Lemon woke up again and started singing. I tried to explain to him that it was still night time and that the occasion called for peace and tranquility, but to no avail. Eventually, his singing woke Lime, and Lemon started yelling joyfully at the top of his lungs, "He's awake, he's awake!" I did not share his joy, I have to confess, but at that point I gave up and decided that we would start our day.
I had thought that the night on the big-boy bed was a one-off, but after that transformative experience, Lemon decided that he was done with the crib forever. I'd been hoping to get him out of there sometime in the not too distant future, but I certainly hadn't planned on making the transition on a weekend when I was a solo parent. I refer you to parenting lesson number one, which is that kids have zero respect for your plans. It feels like I spent about 70% of my waking hours (of which there were an exceptionally large number) over the remainder of the weekend variously standing, sitting, or lying in Lemon's bedroom while holding Lime and trying to get Lemon to stay in bed long enough to fall asleep.
In summary, we were all very happy to see Papa Bear when he got back on Sunday afternoon, and also very happy to see our nanny restored to health and back at work this morning. Just to ensure that this week has no chance of being boring, Lemon came down with his first cold of the season on Friday and has been coughing quite a bit, so we're going up to 3 vest treatments per day for at least the next several days. In a bit of fortuitous timing, we have a clinic visit already scheduled for Friday, so if Lemon is still sick then we can get him looked at. I have to say I'm really dreading this weigh-in. Lemon was doing better with food for a while but he's in another "experimental phase" at the moment and I can already see that we're losing ground again. Ah well. If past experience is any indication, next week will be entirely different, in some way that I cannot yet fully anticipate...