Amazingly, another year has come and gone--on Wednesday of this week, Lemon will turn 7 years old. what a year he's had. First grade, a doctor switch, a bronchoscopy, a pandemic, an summer spent almost entirely within 3 miles of the house. A gain of 2.5 inches in height and 8 big pounds in weight. A few rounds of antibiotics but no trips to the hospital. All in all, no one could have predicted it and in many ways, a great year.
We'll go into the 8th year of Lemon's life on antibiotics. We started augmentin a couple of days ago. I still think it was the right thing to do, and even after just a few days I feel like that throat clearing is getting less and less frequent. There will never be a way to know if it was the right thing to do or not, but I feel like the little bit of extra effort is worth it, especially with the school year starting up soon.
So, that is the big question: what is our school year going to look like? The answer to that became a lot more clear over the past week. We've hired a teacher to work with Lemon, Lime, and two other kids from Lemon's class as a little "learning pod." They'll still be enrolled in the public school, but they'll do all their learning from home for the entire school year. So, we'll see how that goes. Everything is an experiment these days, but I really like the teacher that we hired and have high hopes that she will be more successful at teaching the boys that Papa Bear and I are. And, hopefully having a couple of other kids around will remind them how to interact with non-siblings.
Other than that, highlights of the week include the discovery of two additional pumpkins on our pumpkin vine, the invention of a new game that involves digging up the dirt under the rope swing using toy trucks, a walk in the rain with umbrellas, and the arrival of a herd of goats to eat up the invasive plants in a park near our house. And, unbeknownst to Lemon, the wrapping of a giant mountain of Transformers, Lego kits, and books that will magically appear from the basement on Wednesday morning.
Thanks so much to all of you for following along on our little adventures, I can't believe that we've made it through 7 years together. I look forward to seeing what the next 7 will bring.