And, to be clear, we have nothing to complain about. Another somewhat chaotic and haphazard work week has gone by. The kids continue to be very happy, healthy, and full of life. I was even able to celebrate with my own mother, which is certainly a treat not to be taken lightly in these quarantine days. I received a whole bunch of books, so I now have enough new recipes and origami models to keep me going through at least another few months of this, should the need arise.
The one thing that I found completely hilarious this week is that I have received a number of notifications that there is no school on Wednesday. I have thus far managed not to write back to ask how I should detect that this particular Wednesday differs from all of the Wednesdays of the recent past. Whereas in times gone by, a random weekday with no school would have been something of a minor crisis, in the present state of affairs, it is, well, just Wednesday.