One interesting development that appears to have taken place is the onset of some nutrition lessons at Lemon's school. When I got back from Indianapolis on Sunday, I took the kids grocery shopping, and asked Lemon if there was anything he wanted me to get for him for his lunches. He informed me that he wasn't going to drink juice boxes anymore, because juice was bad for his teeth. He also said that he was done with chips, since they are not healthy. But, juice and chips are the only things he reliably consumes during the day, and we need every calorie! I totally appreciate the overall intent, but I feel like some recognition of the fact that everyone has different dietary needs might also be in order. After all, in spite of the juice and the chips and the tube feeds, we are still pounds away from where we were before school started, and we're desperate to regain every ounce. Fortunately school conferences are coming up in a couple of weeks so I'll have a good opportunity to discuss with Lemon's teacher.
Speaking of discussions with Lemon's teacher, I have noticed that it is now November, and back in July we thought we were going to have a meeting about Lemon's 504 plan in October. I guess that ship has sailed, but I suppose now that I am actually here for a couple of months I should try to get something on the calendar before the end of the year.
Finally, I know you all have had it coming at you from every possible direction already, but the midterm elections are tomorrow. VOTE.