Meanwhile, back in real life, Lemon continues to cough. Just a little, and not at night. So, we still have no idea what's going on. Everyone else seems to be more or less over the summer cold that kicked off this round of everyone's favorite CF game, "Cold, allergies, or infection?" So, "cold" is seeming less likely, which leaves us with "allergies" or "infection." I'm not especially eager to leap into another round of Cayston, especially since if we start now, we will be doing Cayston while we're away on our big family summer vacation. Of course, if that's what it takes we'll do it, but I would like to be a little more confident that we aren't fighting allergies with antibiotics before we start. We have a clinic visit coming up on Wednesday (along with our first-ever pulmonary function tests!), so I'll see what our nurse practitioner thinks at that point.
Speaking of eating, tomorrow Lemon has the first of his weekly feeding therapy sessions. When we were setting this up, I had hoped to capitalize on what then seemed to be a bit of a trend towards increased willingness to eat. Of course, now that we're ready to start, the pendulum has swung firmly back in the other direction and we are once again in the land of approximately zero oral intake. Still, I'm hopeful that we'll make some progress. I've already heard Lemon imitating some of the language that he heard during his feeding evaluation, so intellectually he seems to be game. With any luck, his therapist will be able to convert some of that intellectual energy into practical results!
Today marked the official beginning of my next round of marathon training. I went out for my evening run as the last few summer rain showers were moving through, and they left some serious beauty in their wake--seems like an auspicious start!