As you can see, it's a pretty short list. Lemon is a wreck. He's a wreck when he wakes up, he's melting down by 7 a.m., and can't stay up much past 6:30p.m. Lime is exhausted, too, and is ready for his first nap of the day around 6:15 a.m. When Papa Bear is around, I tend to take a little nap myself when Lime is ready to go down . That 45 minute snooze between when Lime goes down and when I have to get up for work is basically my salvation right now. And, with Papa Bear out of town to attend Great Grandma Virginia's funeral, there were a few salvation-free days this week.
I think what's waking him up is hunger. He's up the earliest on nights where he doesn't eat a good dinner, and comes into my room talking about breakfast and asking to start his mask and videos because he knows that treatment is a necessary preamble to breakfast. On the few nights in the last couple of weeks where he's eaten a solid dinner, he's slept later. Where later is defined as say 5:30 or so, which is TOTALLY SURVIVABLE. But it's a vicious cycle--he's less likely to eat dinner if he's exhausted at dinner time, and more likely to be exhausted at dinner time if he's gotten up at 4:15. I'd being trying to implement a policy of serving milk with dinner, rather than a Scandishake, in the hopes that a lighter beverage (where "lighter" means a 2:1 mixture of whole milk and heavy cream) would encourage him to eat more actual food. But as of tonight I officially don't care anymore. If drinking Scandishakes at dinnertime breaks the early wake-up cycle, then he can live on Scandishakes until he goes to college. And, knowing myself, I will stand firmly behind that resolution until the moment that I am well-rested enough to recover my principles, and which point we'll go back to milk at dinner and hope that doesn't re-initiate the cycle.
Also, I made a really great cinnamon swirl brioche. Because even when things are a little bit insane, you have to live.